Supporting Our Mission

Your donations help us further our mission to provide high quality history education and preserve our collection of regional artifacts.



Your donations make it possible for the History Center to succeed in our mission to preserve and share our regional history, and be an educational resource for educators, families, and folks like you across the nation and even the world. Any amount is appreciated.

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Becoming a Partner of the History Center is an excellent way to support our mission and receive many benefits to enjoy. Partnerships make it possible for us to preserve our most precious artifacts, develop new exhibits, and provide educational programming to the local community.



The History Center has many opportunities for sponsorships for your business or organization. From new special exhibits to our weekly livestream programs, sponsorships are a great way to inform the public about your business and show your support for your local history museum.


Become a Partner

Donors who give $1,500 or more in a calendar year to our operational fund are designated Partners.

All Partners receive the following benefits:

  • Free admission to all exhibits, the White Path Cabin, and the American Freedom Garden

  • Invitations to special events, including monthly forums

  • Digital Membership

  • Free admission to all of our educational programs

  • A 15% discount on Museum Shop purchases and rental of History Center facilities

  • Recognition of your support at all major History Center events

Partner ($1,500 Annually)

  • All of the above benefits plus an invitation for two to the annual Taste of History

Patron Partner ($2,500 Annually)

  • All of the above benefits plus one docent-led private tour (for up to 12 persons) of exhibits

  • Two History Center annual Family Memberships to give as gifts

Benefactor Partner ($5000 Annually)

  • All of the above benefits plus an invitation for four to the annual Taste of History

  • Exclusive sponsorship of a special exhibit or program


Become a Sponsor

The Northeast Georgia History Center offers a variety of opportunities for businesses and individuals to sponsor special events, programs, temporary exhibits, educational programs and exhibit improvements.

  • Special Events: the annual major fundraiser, the Taste of History; and the New Gainesville Chautauqua

  • On-Site Programs: monthly forums, featuring history-related topics and outstanding speakers; special speakers in conjunction with exhibits, events, or special calendar dates

  • Educational Programs: school tours; home-school programs; monthly Family Days

  • Livestream Programs: weekly livestream broadcasts to a national audience


Other Ways to Give

GIVING to the History Center offers a distinctive way to honor or memorialize an individual.

HISTORIC OBJECTS are an essential part of telling the story of our region.

GIVING TO ENDOWMENT FUNDS provides a unique way to ensure on-going income for our future. Currently, the History Center maintains two funds that provide earnings for operations.

  • The Ada Mae Ivester Education Fund provides earnings to enhance our educational programming efforts.

  • The John Jacobs Jr. Freedom Garden Fund makes it possible to maintain the Garden, ensuring that the space properly preserves the beauty necessary for honoring our veterans.

VOLUNTEERING opportunities abound at the History Center and include serving at the reception desk, helping with a special event, working on a committee, providing guided tours as a docent, or assisting with a special short-term project. Time commitments vary, from just a few hours to regular, monthly service. More information and the volunteer application form are available on the following link: Volunteering


If you have questions or ideas about these or other means for supporting the Northeast Georgia History Center, please contact us at 770-297-5900 or